Just posted an update to my webapp WordPresser, making it way faster! Make sure to update your iOS web app… 🙂
There are 46 posts filed in iOS (this is page 5 of 5).
WordPresser: An HTML5 iOS blogger tool
WordPress is a great blogging tool. It has a lot of potential and in it’s more recent updates, it has grown from simply a blogging tool to a content management solution. I use wordpress on this blog for two purposes – blogging and tweeting. You see, twitter is a great service but the 140 character limit is a pain. There are thus a lot of services that allow for longer tweets. But I prefer using my blog for long tweets using the hash tag #LongTweet.
To tweet quickly from my iPhone, I want to use the WordPress app for iOS but it’s not adequate. So, I’ve built WordPresser. It’s a web app that uses HTML5 and XML-RPC to post to your wordpress.org blog. The link you need is – WordPresser. Open this in your iPhone or iPod’s Safari (opening it in any other browser doesn’t do much). Once you’ve opened it, save it to your Homescreen, it’ll save as a web app with the name “WordPresser”.
Before you go further, there are two things you need to do with your blog. One is conventional, the other, not so much. Continue reading
Rethinking Folders in iOS
When I first came across the Mac OS X, one of the reasons that immediately set it aside from other OSs I’d used was the way the UI was constructive towards doing work better. A simple example of that was the way I could scroll the window which was behind my work window without needing to click on the background one. This meant that I could refer to a document and type in my current window at the same time.
The other feature that really struck me was the concept of stacks in the Dock. The way stacks work is that I can choose recent documents, recent applications or just a list of favorite items to sit in the dock for easy access. That’s not all. The best feature of stacks is that they’re highly unobtrusive. Stacks don’t need a window for themselves, they’re just floating on the screen and as soon as your attention goes elsewhere and you click, the stacks disappear. That way they’re really hidden, but at our beck and call. Compared to a folder, that requires your full attention and even needs to be specifically closed when not needed, stacks are a great resource in the OS X. Continue reading
Awesome iPhone Game Now on Java!
My favorite iPhone game, the brilliant Doodle Jump, an addictive and amazingly engrossing game is now available for all you Java-based mobile gamers out there! Yes, I’m talking to you, you Sony Ericsson and few-Nokia-models owners(not to mention HTC, Spice etc), who hoped at some time to own a piece of the iPhone Lifestyle one day. You’ve got some awesome stuff headed your way…
Get to this site and download this game for your Java phone and install it
(Simple instructions for Sony Ericsson phones – Use Bluetooth on your Laptops or use My Phone Explorer to put the game which is a .jar file into your phones and access it from there to install)
and after you’ve installed this super-awesome game, you’ll forget everything else for sure!!!
This concludes my tutorial of how to get one of the Best iPhone games on your Java phone
p.s. the view that “Doodle Jump” is one the Best games for the iPhone is held by the author and you can’t do much to change it 🙂 🙂 🙂