How to be awesome…

Some of you out there read LifeHacker. It recently covered an awesome story about Jerry Seinfeld’s method of being awesome at what you love. Seinfeld says, what ever it is that you’re supposed to be doing, do it everyday. If you blog, do it every day. If you want to improve on your health, run every day. That way, once you’ve been doing it a while, you’ll not want to quit.

To read the actual story go here

and to read it’s effect, go here

I read this second post yesterday morning and I thought, “Hey, I can do this with my blog. I can simply, blog everyday!” But it’s a lot more tough than that! I sat down last night, hoping to write this exact blog and starting my 366 days of being awesome. I couldn’t. It takes a lot of conviction to start something you know will take a full year and will need your attention every day. That scared me. I couldn’t even direct myself to the blog, wasting time elsewhere and hoping I’d never need to write this blog post.

When I got up today, I decided that I just had to do this. No point in dilly dallying, I’ve just got to do it! So here it begins, my 365 day trek towards a fuller blog with a lot many more posts and a more awesome me 🙂

A lot of you will think, this isn’t possible/whatever/”I can’t do that!”. Trust me, you can. The two posts above have changed my way of thinking and I’m glad for it! Here’s to hoping I pull through it and I know for sure, you’ll all be watching! 🙂

Image Courtesy –

A New Friend Every Day!

This is a new post.

There’s a lot going on with the world right now. The Japanese tragedy. The American AT&T – T-Mobile deal. The newest Middle Eastern crisis. There seems a lot to worry about. It also makes us think what we as individuals can do. But it also makes us wonder how we can affect those around us in order to do something positive. That brings us to today’s Question – How many people can we ever affect in our lives? Dunbar’s Number says not more than 150. That means we cannot have more than 150 people in our lives at any given moment of time. But how many of even these do we talk to daily? Four? Five? Maybe ten if we have really, really strong bonds with some people.

Count the number of people you talk to on a daily basis. Parents. A few friends. A few other relatives and colleagues with whom you may have some work in the course of the day. Put that number down somewhere a piece of paper, in your cellphone or maybe at the back of your notebook. Then stare at that number for a full thirty seconds. No, don’t tell me you know that number simply because you counted it. Stare at it! Now understand the significance of that number. These are the only people whose lives you can affect in any measurable way on any given day.

When you know your number, resolve. Resolve to change that number, increase it, bring it to such a field that it may be called respectable (You, by the way, are the judge of that yourself. Decide how many people do you want to affect in your life). How will you affect so many people in your daily life? Talk to them. There is no better way of communication than talking to the person face to face. If that is simply not possible (maybe you’re reading this post from your outpost in Siberia or Outer-space) then decide the next best way. Maybe write them an email, or send them an SMS or even maybe leave them a small note everyday. And don’t think of writing a lot. There is not enough time for people to read a lot. Just keep it simple and say a little something. Sometimes a hello and a small chat is all that’s needed for someone to know that you are a part of their lives. And see to it that you reach that goal of yours, if not right on the first day than at least from day seven onwards of taking that resolve. That gives you a week to decide how you will expand that number of people who get affect by your life and then to start affecting them too. If you want to do something unconventional then go ahead and get online and write a post. Maybe this post of mine will be read by more people than I can imagine. Maybe I’ll affect more people than I think I can. Either ways, I’ve done something so that people may remember me by.

There’s a world of possibility to explore when it comes to making friends and keeping them.

Have fun!

I am a Spectacle

When you get up tomorrow morning, take out two small seconds out of your busy schedule and say to yourself as soon as you open your mind, “I am a Spectacle”. Don’t say it in a repetitive manner, say it with conviction because only by saying it with conviction can you tell yourself that it’s the truth and that you truly believe in yourself and this fact. And believe me, it is a fact.

You may not accept it at first. It may seem absurd. But you are, indeed, a wonderful spectacle. You are a creation beyond all other creation. You are the person with limitless capability and imagination. Because you may not be exceptionally bright or talented. In fact, most people are not born with any talents at all. But you have a spark within you. You have that one fleeting feeling in which you tell yourself that you are made for bigger and better things than ever before. That is not a lie. You may be 42 or 24, 17 or 71 but you do have that possibility ahead of you. You can be bigger and better. In not in physical structure then in thought and dreams and actions. No one asks you to be a philanthropist when you throw that odd coin to that beggar on the street but you do because you know that you are better off than that person.

So unshackle yourself from the restraints of your own mind and believe in this if nothing else, “I am a Spectacle!”

The Bystanders

Ever noticed that whenever in a Movie, there’s a scene in some Public place, the focus is never on the public but on the Actors?? Then what are the other people doing in that scene? Why are they there? What is their purpose and what is their reason?


Lets leave the film industry aside. Have you ever thought what it would be like to have that talent or that Father or that Level of Power in Society or that much Money?? Of course you have, we all have! We all have at some point in Life thought what it would be like to have that much money and social standing. How much easier Life would be if we were that Rich and Famous Person who is always partying or giving interviews about their Fabulous Life and how other people treat them with so much respect and always give them preferential treatment! How much fun would it be if we have already achieved what we wish to achieve and are simply sitting back and reaping the rewards.

Often, during College and even School, I used to imagine how Easy my Life would be if I were that Professional who has already achieved that Position and is just working now. How much I despised the process of going to school and how much I longed to exchange it for the process of getting up early every morning in order to go to Work! It was the satisfaction of having a boring, procedural Life which gave me comfort! It was this comfort which made me hate my Learning years, because those years were important only for growing up, not actually doing anything constructive on the work front.

I had read nearly all major interesting Management stories before Class 10th, including Shiv Khera, Who Moved My Cheese?, I Moved Your Cheese and even Murphy’s Law (Where Something Can Go Wrong, It Will !!!) !!!

All of these made me think about all the kinds of new ideas and methods I could implement once I got to that managerial position! And yet, I was not the least bit interested in going for an MBA!

Ok, enough about the reasons for this post, lets move on. So we’ve understood that all the popular stories are about the people at the centre and that Life will always take you through the boring phases before giving you the reward. So what does this teach us?? That those Bystanders have a Life of their own, a Story of their own in which they are the Heroes and They hold the central plot. In their Lives, We are the Bystanders!

Do not be a Bystander in your Own Life, take up the reins and Pull the Horse of Destiny in the Direction YOU want it to go! There is no better satisfaction that to reap the rewards only after going through the Most Boring Parts, because those parts make you realize how valuable that reward is and makes you Enjoy it! There’s no sense in skipping to the most gripping part without dragging yourself through the long, useless explanation!

You are already THAT Person! Just start being Them and see to it that the aspirations you have now are what you are holding 10 years down the line. Because That’s what makes you That person!