Nipun, see this.
There are 113 posts filed in general (this is page 12 of 12).
News media consistently gets research paper conclusions wrong, sensationalizing mundane results by focusing on edge cases or ignoring the fine print.
Wouldn’t it be interesting to get an AI to sum these papers up and see what it comes up with?
Of course, seed data should come from conclusions by both media and scientists themselves, as well as some laypersons to balance things.
For the longest time, my ‘default post category’ in WordPress has been ‘tech’ – a decision I made when I started writing more about my software work and ideas than anything else.
I realize now that that was a mistake. The default category should be general, so that when one starts writing, the immediate bent should not be towards technology but rather life.
It also allows me to permit myself to quickly open my blog and just post a photo. This is something I do not do, but want to.
So here it goes. Now the default category is set to general.