App Sandbox

I am a voracious app user. I download, burn through and delete many apps throughout the day. Thus, I thought it’d be a good idea to maintain a list of apps that I download and perhaps even review them.

This page will serve as the starting point to this app discovery. I have created a folder called Sandbox on my phone and will be filling it up. When the folder cannot be filled any more, I will be forced to delete or accept an app into my permanent lists. This will force me into reviewing that app which I take out of that folder.

Below is a list of apps that currently reside in my Sandbox. Other than this list, I’m creating a new category of blog posts called “App Review” which will appear on the top of my blog, in the links section. I will also create a widget that will list all the apps that I have on my phone right now (this will only list my permanent apps).

Hope this helps!


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